Friday, October 10, 2008

Warm and Toasty Towel Warmers

There's nothing like the feeling of stepping out of the shower and reaching for a warm towel. Usually you find that in a luxurious hotel or spa, but towel warmers are fast becoming a popular item in many bathrooms. Towel warmers, or towel radiators, keep your towels toasty warm and prevent them from getting mildewy, which also means less frequent washing. They can even heat up the bathroom. Who wouldn't want that? I saw Zehnder towel warmers featured on a segment of HGTV's I Want That! I like the fact that there are so many styles and shapes. You can get a towel warmer that is hard-wired into your electrical system, a towel warmer that hooks up to your plumbing, or one that just plugs into your outlet. Mmm! So warm and comfy...

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