Friday, October 24, 2008

Bathroom Fan Coming To The Rescue

I lived in San Francisco a few years back. Three roommates shared one teeny-tiny bathroom with hardly any ventilation. Mold and mildew grew on the bathroom walls at a rapid pace. We bleached the walls several times a year and even had the landlord re-paint yearly but it didn't stop the mold and mildew from re-appearing. There was a small bathroom window that was opened after every shower so, the bathroom could air out. However, the bathroom window was located near the outside trash receptacles. Not only did the bathroom smell when the garbage was full and the wind was blowing the right way but, the bathroom was located near the back staircase, as well. Taking a shower with the window open was a real 007 Movie and this all could have been avoided by suggesting the landlord invest in a decorative bathroom fan. $171.00 is a small price to pay for a mold-free and clean smelling bathroom.

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