Friday, November 14, 2008

Everything In the Kitchen Sink

When I dream of making over my kitchen, half of me thinks in terms of country style -- traditional shapes, antique finishes and a nod to yesteryear. But I also love the sleekness of a modern kitchen, with appliances, sinks and faucets in stainless steel and a vivid color on the walls or warm wood cabinetry to create a cohesive blend. Contemporary kitchens allow for more high-tech and state-of-the-art appliances and fixtures, so you can put all the latest and greatest innovations to use. If I were to go modern in my kitchen, this Franke Culinary Work Station Sink would be the first on my list. It is the perfect sink for the avid and busy cook. The sink comes with a tempered glass cutting board, a polished stainless measuring bowl, a colander and food prep bowls. The great thing about this kitchen sink is that it has built-in places for waste, so you don't have to break your slicing and dicing momentum to throw away the excess. It also helps to save time on food preparation, because everything you need is within easy reach. I don't think I'll be remodeling my kitchen this year, but...there's always next year.

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