Monday, November 16, 2009

It's the middle of November but it feels more like September. This weekend, I took the dog for a long walk and of course, half way out the door I realized that I was wearing way too many layers. So, off went my hat and jacket. We've had something of a warm spell but all of that is about to change. The weather man is predicting a cold front and I wish I was prepared! It's bad enough waking up in the morning and getting out of bed but, exiting the shower when you are cold and wet is a lousy wake-up call. Amba Towel Warmers are the answer to my dreams. Amba makes showering in the winter bearable. Not only can I warm my towel before use, I can also make sure that my towel isdry by the next use. Next, on my wish list...Heated Floors!

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